Ability score rolling method calculator by HighDiceRoller

This is an old version of the calculator. You can find the most recent version here.
Generate each ability score by rolling d, rerolling s and below, keeping the highest dice, then adding .
Generate each ability score time(s) and keep the highest.
Generate ability scores, keeping the 6 highest.
Scores not between and are set to the nearest value within that range.

Probability distribution of the 6 highest ability scores

Rank Mean 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
2nd highest
3rd highest
4th highest
5th highest
6th highest

Multiple arrays

(The preceding chart and table are for a single array.)

Roll array(s) and keep the best.
Pricing method:
Pricing method Mean SD
Raw total
D&D 5e point buy (ref)
Pathfinder point buy (ref)


How does it work?

I built this using Pyodide, Chart.js, and of course, my own Icepool Python library (formerly hdroller), itself powered by numpy. A polynomial-time algorithm for keep-highest allows this calculator to deliver precise results at an interactive rate. It runs in your own browser, not requiring a server once loaded. Note that this page uses an older version of hdroller, which is less flexible but gives a faster response time for this particular application.

Compare previous AnyDice and Monte Carlo approaches.

If you want to play with hdroller more directly, try this example Starboard notebook, which computes the distributions of the total ability scores generated by the four Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st Edition methods.

Questions, comments, or suggestions? Find me on Reddit or Twitter.