Cortex Prime calculator by HighDiceRoller

This is an old version of the calculator. You can find the most recent version here.
Player pool:
d4, d6, d8, d10, and d12, dropping the highest dice, then keeping the next highest dice.
Opposition pool:
d4, d6, d8, d10, and d12, dropping the highest dice, then keeping the next highest dice.

Probability distribution of the total

Mean totals: vs.
Chance of player rolling greater than opposition:

Probability distribution of hitches



How does it work?

I built this using Pyodide, Chart.js, and of course, my own Icepool Python library (formerly hdroller).

Prior work

Here is a previous calculator by Casey Link, which uses exponential-time enumeration of all possible die results. While my calculator needs to load pyodide, it can compute larger pools at interactive speed due to a polynomial-time algorithm.

Questions, comments, or suggestions? Find me on Reddit or Twitter.